Corporate Governance

Environmental Sustainability

ISVI Ltda, is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, in particular its commitment to the environment, for which it will ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, decrease its carbon footprint, and contribute to the fight against climate change. The Company will promote resource saving, recycling, training and reporting of environmental sustainability information, while seeking to be certified in green or sustainable economy models.

ISVI’s direct CO2 emissions reduction target for 2021 is to reduce direct CO2 emissions from the vehicle fleet.

In terms of recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous materials ensure the use of suppliers that have the process of recycling tires or waste management of hazardous and non-hazardous materials.

Social Responsibility

ISVI Ltda. is committed to work with its workers, clients and communities in solidarity, for which it will promote participation, education and the creation of opportunities for all based on equality criteria. In particular, the Organization will ensure the effectiveness of human rights with a gender perspective and inclusive criteria. The Company will publish its social performance and will seek to be certified in Corporate Social Responsibility models.

Human Rights is a fundamental commitment at ISVI. The philosophy of respect and protection is present in all activities.

ISVI LTDA, working with employees, suppliers and customers who share its philosophy regarding Human Rights extends to them, who must accept and comply with ISVI’s Code of Ethics.

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