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Risk management model

With our Risk Management Model we make strategic decisions ensuring the security of your company. We identify and minimize risks in your logistics chain to prevent losses that may affect the continuity of your business.

Our experts will be in charge of securing your company’s logistic chain to prevent losses, optimizing processes in favor of better profitability, productivity and competitiveness indicators.

At ISVI we propose strategies that maximize the value of your company through effective risk management. We obtain records of risks in companies and guarantee traceability and availability of information.

It eliminates the opportunity for fraud in the logistics chain, allows you to visualize the generation of earned value in your logistics chain and make informed decisions taking into account insurance, investment, projects, etc.

Risk management systems are designed to do more than just identify risk. The system must also be able to quantify risk and predict its impact on the project.

At ISVI we analyze the context, identify potential risks and implement a risk management model and constantly monitor compliance with all legal requirements.

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