Canine security

Canine security

“Specialized canine security services with dogs trained by qualified personnel and accredited by the Superintendence of Surveillance and Private Security.

Security with canines is a specialized service that provides support and complements our security services in facilities.

The canines are an aid for our guards; their sense of hearing and smell, help to detect possible risks and criminal acts in the security and protection of facilities. “

Why hire our service?

This line of service has allowed our customers to obtain excellent results in security and protection in facilities, prevent and safeguard lives, protect facilities, limit illegal trade; these timely seizures minimize the threat and make us more efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We have canines trained under high standards of demand and certified by the Supervigilancia and the most qualified breeds for the provision of surveillance and security services.

We provide canine service in the modalities of controlled defense, explosives detection, and narcotics detection, the canines have:

Specialized instructors in canine training.
Infrastructure for training and recreation.
Permanent veterinary care for examination and treatment.
Compliance with animal protection regulations, welfare and good treatment of our canines.

It gives greater deterrence power in security schemes and provides a high degree of trust and respect from crime and third parties.
The ability to smell and hear achieves detection and prevention in surveillance systems more accurately than technological equipment.
High support and effectiveness in security and protection devices.

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