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Compliance officer

Currently many companies have not given enough value and importance to the compliance officer and in almost all cases have assigned any official of the entity to fulfill this position.

Since 2014 the Superintendence of Companies imposed on companies the obligation to implement a System for the Prevention of the Risk of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. It is for this reason that you should leave this charge in the hands of professionals.

Avoid sanctions in your company, we have highly trained professionals with specialized knowledge and practice in SIPLAFT and SARLAFT. Our officers will be in charge of complying in a practical and easy way with the requirements of the law against money laundering and terrorist financing.

Our professionals are constantly updated on current regulations, their modifications, different typologies, warning signs, which allow them to detect suspicious operations, evaluate them, control them, mitigate risks and monitor the LAFT risk.

Our officers monitor compliance with regulatory aspects on issues related to the prevention of LAFT present and future rules that may arise. In addition, they ensure that all stages of the implementation and operation of SIPLAFT-SARLAFT are executed efficiently and timely. And likewise that corrective measures to the system are generated.

They are skilled in handling confidential matters or sensitive information, have assertive communication skills and are characterized by acting in an honest and transparent manner, rejecting any illegal or fraudulent conduct in any commercial operation of the company.

Of course, our compliance officers have certificates accrediting their knowledge in SIPLAFT and SARLAFT.

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