Security research

Security research

“This service is offered to Companies and individuals with personalized and immediate attention to clients in: Polygraph and VSA, LAFT/COSO/SIPLAFT, Compliance, Due Diligence, Workplace Violence and Insecurity Incidents (broad spectrum).

Efficiency and effectiveness in the investigative processes that contribute to decision making. Mainly the service is oriented to evaluate the information of individuals and companies and give sufficient reliability and confidence in the selection processes in companies, including asset laundering for customers and suppliers in security aspects.”

Why hire our service?

“In ISVI we have a specialized area of investigations that provides services to companies and individuals to avoid sanctions and illegal acts in your company.

We have highly trained professionals with specialized knowledge and practice in SIPLAFT and SARLAFT. Our officers will be in charge of complying in a practical and easy way with the requirements of the law against money laundering and terrorist financing.

Our professionals are constantly updated on current regulations, their modifications, different typologies, warning signs, which allow them to detect suspicious operations, evaluate them, control them, mitigate risks and monitor the LAFT risk.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

“The service in investigations allows to identify, verify and identify the information of people, suppliers, customers that meet reliability and security parameters established by the company and the investigator in order to minimize risks or conditions that affect security.

Security investigations include the following topics:

Simple, intermediate, or complete safety studies.
Identification and documentation verification
Resumes verification
Financial and academic verification
Legal reports
Personal referencing
Polygraph tests
Due Diligence
Home visits
Money laundering “

“Due diligence is a process developed through concepts that involve the investigation of a company or person prior to the signing of a contract and in particular that there are no vices for lawsuits, theft, fraud, money or drug trafficking and in general illicit activities that affect the reputation and security of companies.

It covers legal issues, asset laundering, validation of commercial, financial information and legal constitution issues applicable mainly for signing contracts, purchases or services to be used by individuals or companies. “

“The polygraph test, also known as lie detector, is an evaluation that uses a scientific instrument to record the neurophysiological changes of a person, following a protocol of questions that are constructed after a previous investigation in order to verify the veracity of the information provided.

It is applied to candidates for management or executive positions, establishing their level of truthfulness in the information.

It also applies to employees already linked as routine tests to validate reliability; in investigations for work behaviors derived in illicit activities.”

“The home visits are a security tool applied in staff selection processes to show the candidate’s social, family and economic context and environment in order to provide first-hand information about the applicant.

Likewise, from the point of view of risk management and security, it is evaluated how the environment and its area of influence in which the candidate moves or lives could become a risk factor for the client who hires this service.”

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